Monday 7 May 2012

#photoadayMay ... Day 7 ... Someone that inspires you

Over the last few days I've been going back and forth as to who is my biggest inspiration at the time and several people made the short list, among which my best friend zjizjipke (for her influences on my creative mind and the strength she shows in times of hardship). In the end, I decided that my parents are and always have been my biggest inspiration. They are after all the people that created me and shaped me into the person I am today. And although my mother and I have a very good mother-daughter relationship (I am just like her in every possible way), it is my father I'm going to honour today...

It is strange, but up until a few months ago I don't think I ever realised all the things my father did for our family. He worked overtime every day (and weekends) so my mom could stay home and raise us. He always gave us everything we needed and often also wanted. He taught me how to stand up for what I believe in and to never be afraid to speak my mind. He gave me his love for music and made me see that it's important to enjoy life whenever opportunity knocks on the door. And mostly, he always protected us and up until his dying day he did everything in his power to spare us as much pain (and work) as possible... I would be honoured if in the future I could do half the things he did for me and the rest of our family... (crying my eyes out right now, but it had to be said)...

Love (sniff)
Crazy Crafter xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sweety! Beautiful text! Tears in my eyes right now... That strenght in times of hardship only survives thanks to your love and support! Couldn't do this without you! And for your dad, he deserves a standing ovation for all the things he did for his family! He was a top-guy! We all miss him!
    Superduper big hug!
