Wednesday 16 May 2012

#photoadayMay ... Day 16 ... Something I'm reading

Now, there are a few things I should probably share with you before showing you the picture. First of all since about... oh, I don't know... let's say 10 years ago, I became a real book buff. Before that time I hated the fact that I had to read books in secondary school and even during the early months of college (but I believe that's the fault of the teachers/professors just choosing the wrong books). Afterwards I came in contact with some people who preferred books that were more to my liking, and let's say that they convinced me of the freeing, relaxing, but also exhilirating power of books. So that's number one. Secondly, my taste in books might seem strange to some, but I absolutely LOVE to read fantasy, while at the same time also being able to enjoy a good chick lit, a detective novel à la Dan Brown, the occasional children's book (think Roald Dahl) or even a historic novel (yes, perhaps they are very different genres, but that's just me). And thirdly, I rarely read just one book at the same time. I have the tendency to start reading one book (let's say a fantasy novel) and then feel like reading something completely different (like some chick lit). Sometimes there's even a third or fourth book added to the list (I believe my current record is 5 books). So, it really shouldn't surprise you then that I'm currently reading 3 books (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix + Chasing Harry Winston + Bridget Jones' Diary). I decided to take a picture of the book that is currently on the top of my reading list...

As you can see, I'm currently at chapter 3 of the Order of the Phoenix and Harry is on my mind yet again (after all, I'm rereading the books for the umpteenth time and I'm still loving them). So I hope you enjoy the book, I know I am...

Crazy Crafter xxx

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