Tuesday 1 January 2013

Christmas presents

Hi again,

First and foremost I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New year!! May all your dreams and wishes come true!! And now it's finally time for me to show you some of the things I've been up to. Problem is that forgetful little me almost never remembers to take pictures of my projects before wrapping them up... Conclusion: I can only show you 1 item I've made (still working on a last-minute present for a friend of mine, but I can't show you any of that yet since she's quite the active blogger). Anyway, this doesn't mean that I can't tell you about the presents I've made.

First of all, I mod podged a few more letters. At my BFF's birthday her mother (who's like a second mother to me) thought that the mod podged letters were so beautiful she wanted some for herself, but she didn't know where to get the materials,... So I decided to make the letters for her... I'm still hoping she'll take some pictures of them and send them to me so I can show you what the end result is.

Secondly, I decided to make something that I think everyone needs: a wishing orb. What do you need? A clear glass christmas orb, some tinsel strips in the colour of your choice (in my case hot pink), a little piece of paper and a pen so you can make the first wish and a lining paste pen (for glass) in the colour of your choice (I chose a wonderful Christmas gold)... Now all you have to do is unscrew the top of the orb, fill it with some tinsel strips (swirl them around until you think it looks right), write down your wish for that person and put it in the orb and then screw the top back on. Then you take your lining paste pen and write down a message on the orb (I chose for '(christmas) wishes'). Wrap it up, and you've got yourself a nice little christmas present...

And then, the third present I made for my BFF, zjizjipke, a day-planner frame. I actually got this idea while scrolling through the wonderful universe that is pinterest. Behold:

And little old me immediately starts thinking: 'Well, I can do that' and we are off. All you need for this is a picture frame (I decided to go for one with 8 frames as well), some scrapbook paper and letter stamps and the necessary ink. First I started sorting through all of my scrapbook paper, looking for the pretty patterns and wonderful colours, etc. Next, I measured the size of the frames and started cutting my paper to the correct size. Then I started placing the pieces of paper on the frame so I could see which one goes where (I needed to do this in order to be able to stamp the days of the week onto the paper). Then I took my letter stamps and started inking my pieces of paper... And then we come to the final step: you take off the back of the frame and put in the pieces of paper, making sure that everything is just right, of course. And... ta da...

And some close-ups...

I must say it's still not as perfect as I would have liked it to be, but what can I say, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Then I added a few whiteboard markers to the package and the BFF is ready to start planning her week... She absolutely loved the present and immediately took a picture to start showing off to her mom... And then she started complaining that she needs a crafty room now, so she can hang it on the wall... So I guess I did pretty good in the end...

Anyway, as always, thanks for dropping by. I'm sorry I wasn't able to show you pictures of all my projects (I'll try to keep it in mind when I finish my next project), but I hope you enjoyed the descriptions...

Love and many holiday wishes...
Crazy Crafter xxx