Sunday 20 May 2012

#photoadayMay ... Day 20 ... Something I can't live without...

After thinking about the usual... Family, friends,... I eventually ended up with the thing I wouldn't know how to live without (again)... My car...

It's the green one in front... My little frog... Now I know what you might say... Why couldn't you possibly live without a car, and why on earth not without this one??? Well, the truth is that this is still my first car and like most people, I didn't really have a big budget when I had to buy one. This one has actually served me so well: it's small, so really easy to park; it's not the fastest, but also not the slowest car on the road, so I can live with that; and lastly it doesn't use a lot of gas, meaning I don't have to go for gas every three days, yay car!!! Sadly enough, the car is getting old and old age has caused it to be more cranky, so I am slowly starting to look out for another car (but don't tell the car that, it might get upset and decide not to start anymore)... Which leaves me to the last question: Why can't I live without a car? Well, although I relied on mommy and public transport for 26 years (!!!), I was shocked to find out that once the car and license are there, it's something really handy: it gets me to work in about 30 minutes (public transport would take 1 hour at least);, it gets me to all of my friends and family and allows me to spend as much time as I want with them without having to worry whether I would still be able to catch my train/bus; and lastly, I just love to drive (it relaxes me, unwinds me and when I'm angry, calms me down. I guess I get this from my dad, because my mom really doesn't like to drive long distances, while I do)... So there you go... My precious car...

Crazy crafter

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