Monday 6 August 2012

A trip to Holland and another finished project...

I know, it's been ages again... Since it's my aging day I decided it was time I posted something again... I promise you I have been busy and I've got about a thousand things in my head that I would like to try out, but unfortunately I don't seem to find the time to complete all of them (even during the holidays). Last week, for instance, my BFF zjizjipke and I decided to expand our knowledge on the Netherlands (well, if finding a few interesting shops and a nice beach to lie on qualify as expanding knowledge)... The loot was once again superb (well I think so anyway). We made a little trip to Tilburg first where we went to visit the local fabric market. Unfortunately my favourite fabric guy wasn't there, so I didn't buy any. And then we took a trip (read: we crossed the street) to Pipoos, a hobbycrafter paradise... I think I let myself go just a little bit...

I know it doesn't look like much, but trust me, my bank account is still trying to recover... So after this short morning stop it was back in the car and on to Vlissingen, a nice coast town in Zeeland. After enjoying a nice lunch and some time on the beach (resulting in sand everywhere) we decided to visit the local shops as well. The good thing is that we never just stick to the main shopping street, but that we also decide to check out the side streets which resulted in a fantastic find: a cute little shop filled with beads and other lovely things. I think I went a bit crazy in that store as well...

These will definitely come in handy in the future projects... And what do I find when I get home... A recently ordered book which I discovered by accident while I was shopping for Zjizjipke's birthday. I loved the book so much I just had to have it myself...

I'm going to have a lot of fun with this book... Which brings me to something else I enjoyed making for a friend of mine. I had been searching the internet for a while on how to make your own chalkboard paint and I was ready to get my hands dirty when I got to the store and discovered that it would cost me less to buy the ready-to-use chalkboard paint than if I bought all of the ingredients to make it myself. Result: I bought me a small bucket of chalkboard paint (dark grey), I went to another store to buy a dinner plate and some coffee cups and I was ready to get started. The idea was to turn the dinner plate into a message board, and the cups just had to have a few different shapes on it, just for the fun of it. So I started out with some tape to make beautiful shapes and figures on the cups, and to make the message square on the plate. Then I started my painting (and making a mess of everything)...

I used a porcelain paint marker to write the message above (I did this before I started with the chalkboard paint, of course). Now the idea was to let it rest and dry outside and then to take off the tape. But, then the little voices in my head (I think there's two right now) started arguing whether taking the tape off then might damage the painted surface. Maybe it would be better to take it off while the paint was still wet... And little old me decided to listen to the doubter and takes off the tape, which resulted in tiny little splashes right around the edge of the painted surface. I loved this result a lot more than I ever would have loved the straight lines that could have been created...

I just love the erratic lines... Now all I have to do is wrap the presents and give it to the lucky birthday girl... Now I have made a few other items as well using mod podge and other crafty goodies, but I think I'll save them for another day... As always, I love to see you again soon...

Love, Crazy Crafter xxx