Friday 28 April 2017

A new start...


I know it's been forever since I've posted something, but my life has changed tremendously over the past 4 years. I left the single life behind and got married, I had a little baby who is already turned into a vivacious toddler and I've actually bought a house... Who would have thought, right?

Naturally, all these changes mean that I have a lot less (sometimes no) time to use my creative skills. And when I do manage to make something, it's usually meant as a present and of course I always forget to take pictures. Silly me. So, since my creativity is at a bit of a low right now and my life has changed so much, I decided it was time to add some changes to the blog as well. You'll be seeing more of my family, the foodies I manage to put on the table, the "exotic" locations I visit when I have the time and my (often clumsy) experiments with photography (which I've always wanted to be good at). 

So, first things first, I should start by introducing the famiily. I met my husband almost 4 years ago (two guesses where a lot of the changes in my life came from) and we actually got married last summer (Yes ladies, he put a ring on it :-) ). 

Now, we did do things a bit unconventionally... We had our son first and then we got married. Since I was already 29 (I felt absolutely ancient) when I met my husband, we decided that we didn't want to wait too long to have kids. So, when he proposed to me a year later (at sunset on a beach in Greece!!! How romantic is that!?!) we decided that we should just go ahead and try to get pregnant right away. And a few months later we struck gold: I was expecting our wonderful little boy (though I have to admit, I was initially a little bit disappointed that it wasn't a girl, I wouldn't trade him for the world right now). Nine months later (to the date) we welcomed our son Luca into the world...

And I know, as his mum I'm supposed to say it, but to us he was just the most beautiful baby we had ever seen. He was just the sweetest bundle of joy: always happy and full of life. Of course, it didn't take long for him to learn to turn on his belly, crawl, stand up, walk (before his first birthday!), run and dance (I think we are at trying to jump right now). And the talking... although he isn't very vocal yet, here are some of his favourite words: mama, koe (cow), bal (ball), tut (pacifier) and koek (cookie). And of course he had to be present at the wedding (which was also his baptism) in his best little suit!

And right now, he is closing in on his second birthday... Still the happy little boy we have had since the day he was born. And still the love of my life...

Ok, this ends the little recap of what has been going on in my life. I'll make sure to post more of the events of the past years and of course some of the upcoming events in my life. 

Lots of love,

Credits for the wedding pictures + some of Luca's pictures: Kurt Vandenbosch. Great photographer who does wonders with kids (and weddings ;-) ) -->