Tuesday 10 July 2012

My apologies...

First of all I would like to apologise for being absent for so long... It's been a hectic month and a half (with final classes, exams, corrections and deliberations) and I'm afraid the busy days aren't over yet... After all my mother, brother, sister and myself have all decided to move within the next 4 months, resulting in big messes everywhere with overstuffed boxes and unpacked items in pretty much every room of the house (and of my brother's and sister's house)... So lots of work to do, but I'm also glad I'm able to show you something else I've been working.

Recently I've finished a project for a good friend of mine who's decided it was time to leave the parentals and move into her own little piece of heaven. So, as one of the housewarming gifts I decided to cross stitch something she could hang on her wall. Thanks to pinterest I had my little "keep calm and..." phase and as a teacher I just loved the "keep calm and pretend this is on the lesson plan" one. Classes can be a bit chaotic at times and sometimes you might forget your books or something else you had planned on using, so the key is always to remain calm and act like it was supposed to happen... Works like a charm... Most of the time. Anyway, turns out that my friend is a teacher too, so I decided that she should definitely be in the know to this little teacher's secret... And voila... The result (framed and all) as I will be presenting it to her in a few days/weeks/when I see her again...

A few months ago I started making my flowery granny pillow. After making all of the little squares and connecting them all into a nice little square I was left with only one thing to do: create the back of the pillow. Unfortunately, my skills on the sewing machine are not that advanced yet, I needed the help of mommy dearest and this week she finally found some time to help me finish the pillow...

The beginning... Some little flowery squares...

Starting to put them together...

Finished putting them together...

Now all that's left is dealing with the spaghetti...

Spaghetti solved!!!

A little close-up of the flowers...

The finished result

And the backside. I bought this cute fabric in Ikea and couldn't resist combining it with the flowers

And a close-up of the end result...

Now I'm not going to post the pattern for you since I had some help in that department. Just go to http://rosehip.typepad.com/rose_hip_blog/2008/11/index.html and start crocheting... Good luck and I hope to see some of your results in the future ;-)

Crazy Crafter...


  1. I remember the spaghetti! It seemed an impossible task ;-) But I love the result! So pretty!!

  2. Oooh....comment jolie vous faites les truqus tricote!! :O) J`adore!!! :O)
    C`est just MAGNIFIQUE!!!! :o) Et j`adore votre blog il est toujour interesent a lire et toujour tres jolie!!! :O)
    Bonne journee!! Et bonne chance dans le Give Away de Debbie!! (blog Happy litle Cottag) :O)
    xxx Maria xxx
